Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Garden

On Tuesday besides the meeting with my dad where I made copies of his financial papers used to prepare his taxes, I also got a call from Alexa. While working for another client she had walked into an assisted living situation that she thought might interest me. 

I was able to visit on Thursday. It was amazing. Wide beautiful halls, carefully decorated and quiet. The room itself was two rooms a small bedroom and a large living space, private bath. The small bedroom was big enough to put two twin beds which was what they had been using for the last few years. I was also struck by how much the room they would live in resemble the house in which they were currently living. Most of the rooms in the facility were single bedrooms so this larger suite was appealing if both my parents would live together. 

I also noticed none of the negative issues I saw in the nursing home. The residents seemed active and engaged in activities. I was introduced to staff and told how long they had worked at the facility. A daily schedule of activities was posted. 

The dining room was handled as a restaurant. Residents were given a menu with two to three choices and they could arrive anytime within set hours for a meal. Further the facility assigned residents to a table so they could meet others. 

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