Friday, July 3, 2020

Everything That Can Go Wrong

One of the choices I had to make when Dad refused to go to the bank was whether I could attend a sewing class I had signed up for a month earlier. It would be held from one to four. I knew from attending a similar class that I could probably leave after two hours. I also knew Dad liked to have a post lunch nap. So for better or worse, I decide the class was doable. 

I arrived early enough to browse the store. While in the midst of the bolts of fabric, our tour guide from the Garden called. Oh, by the way, if your Dad is coming in with your mom needs a TB test. And you'll want to get that today because it takes two days to read it. And we need to do an evaluation on him. 

Deep breath, rising panic, even worse, the thought that Dad had told me once he failed TB tests. Which means get a chest x-ray. So do I call Dad, wake him from a nap or go to class? I went to class. 

Looking back, I wish I had grabbed Dad at lunch. Maybe even gone to the nursing home where mom was and taken him to lunch and the bank. But by the time I was in the store, it seemed best to wait. 

I can say that sewing and doing something besides figuring out the unfigurable in my parents' situation did help my frame of mind. 

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