Thursday, July 16, 2020

Moving Mom

Mom's move to the new place went easily. Paperwork was handled well. I planned to pick up mom on the morning of the first. When I got to her facility she wasn't in her room, but since I needed to pack, I began to work on that process. Just as I was wrapping up the facility wide alarm went off. Once I was finished I left the room and asked if I could continue to load up my car and then find mom. I assumed it was a test run something that we had experienced in the past. 

As it turned out the sprinkler system in one section had decided to malfunction. The staff was a bit frazzled. Within a few moments I had been given permission to take things out and then return. They were still looking for mom when I got back. I knew from those past experiences that staff immediately confined patients to the nearest room when the alarm went off. Mom liked to roll around the facility so they had to figure out where she was. 

But she was found and we were on our way. I settled her in her room and unpacked her things. I did paperwork and left her. The following day I paid her visit. She liked the food and told me the staff were sweet. Her room was about the same level of dark; no curtain this time, but a smaller window. On the other hand the TV was never on in her room.  

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